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Our team


We, The Inventions Emporium, have been working on developing, patenting and commercializing inventions since 2013. Who are we? We have professionals to cover the phases of development, patenting and contact with companies, in order to sell or license your patent. Our team includes mechanical engineers, electronic engineers, industrial organization engineers, industrial design engineers, industrial property agents and sales advisors. Our mission has been and will continue to be to serve all of you, inventors and companies, who want to develop a new invention.


The Team

Guillermo Alonso - The Inventions Emporium

Guillermo Alonso

CEO and co-founder

Juan Úbeda - The Inventions Emporium

Juan Úbeda

COO and co-founder

Patricia García - The Inventions Emporium

Patricia García

CMO - CFO and co-founder

Carlos García - The Inventions Emporium

Carlos García

Sales advisor

Juan Úbeda - The Inventions Emporium

Juan Úbeda

Finances Advisor

Julian Marinov - The Inventions Emporium

Julian Marinov

Digital Marketing and youtuber

Arman Galstyan - The Inventions Emporium

Arman Galstyan

CIO and electronics/app developer

José Serrah - The Inventions Emporium

José Serrah

Graphic Design Director

David Martínez- The Inventions Emporium

David Martínez

Commercialyzing products

Sara Rebé - The Inventions Emporium

Sara Rebé

Market research analyst

Rodrigo Arnaiz - The Inventions Emporium

Rodrigo Arnaiz

Media producer

Mikel Sanchez - The Inventions Emporium

Mikel Sanchez

Media producer

Álvaro Lucas - The Inventions Emporium

Álvaro Lucas

Textile designer

Ylenia Acuña - The Inventions Emporium

Ylenia Acuña

Industrial Design Engineer

María Torres - The Inventions Emporium

María Torres

Industrial Design Engineer

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